Dear Magical Diary: Post 16

    Dear Magical Diary,

Note: As part of my "Charm School" project with Cara Mia of Cutewitch772 this summer, I have decided to keep a daily and public magical diary.  In what we're calling the Charm School Syllabus (a list of suggested tasks for someone seeking a first degree initiation published in Silver RavenWolf's book To Stir a Magick Cauldron), one task is "Provide a magickal diary to your instructor that encompasses one full year of your magickal experiences." Now, this task doesn't explicitly state that this diary needs daily entries, but I have decided to write daily as best I can.

This morning, I sat down with my trusty paper journal, ready to pour my thoughts onto the pages. Writing has become a sacred act of self-expression, a way to connect with my innermost desires and aspirations. I don't follow all the protocols exactly, but I am essentially doing "morning pages" as I learned to do when I did Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. After I penned my thoughts, I also dedicated time to practicing and mastering the tasks assigned in Charm School. The art of memorization is both challenging and rewarding, and I'm determined to excel in each task, unlocking new depths within myself. I'd say I have one circle casting completely memorized, one that needs a little work but is close enough that I could fake it if needed, and the other is new. As for the quarter calls, I am about three-quarters memorized with two of them and maybe half of the song call.

The day stretches before me, a tapestry of appointments and commitments. In a short while, I have a telehealth therapy session scheduled with my compassionate and understanding therapist. Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, focusing on the profound practice of self-love. During our last session, she channeled the soothing energy of reiki, enveloping me in a cocoon of gentle vibrations. Perhaps, today, I will request another session, allowing the transformative power of energy to flow through me once more. A therapist who does reiki, reads tarot, and takes my insurance? Oh, hell, yeah!

After my therapeutic voyage, I transition into the realm of my mundane business. From noon until four, I devote my energy to a client. I will likely be listening to Robinson Crusoe again during my work time. I have this ghost of a goal to read all of the books in Boxall's 1001 Books to Read Before You Die. Let's say that I die at age 80. I have about 40 years of reading in front of me. I'm not sure how many books I've already read on the list. Let's be conservative and say 50. So that's maybe 951 books which would be about 24 books from the list per year. Honestly, that's only two books per month, and now that I work at a job in which I can read all day (audiobooks count!), this is actually a super doable goal, assuming I die at age 80. I think I am going to make a separate blog post with the books listed.

I'd love to go to our friend's band's gig tonight, but we'll see if I feel up to it. I have been a little tired this week, and I have an early morning tomorrow.

For the dawn of tomorrow brings an exciting endeavor—an early morning birding expedition. Embracing the serenity of nature, I venture to a Cleveland park, my senses attuned to the songs of feathered creatures. The symphony of chirping and rustling leaves lulls my spirit into a state of harmony, reminding me of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

In the tapestry of life, each thread weaves a story, and I am grateful for the vibrant threads that adorn my path. From therapy sessions and client interactions to the captivating allure of live music and the tranquil embrace of nature, my days are rich with moments of self-discovery, connection, and joy. As I navigate this intricate web, I remain open to the magic that unfolds, knowing that within each experience lies the potential for growth, transformation, and profound self-care.

Yours under the stars,


Join me on Patreon at just $1 during our summer savings special for the Charm School project. Together, we'll dive deeper into the realms of magic, self-discovery, and growth, unlocking our fullest potential along the way.

Find Charm School content on this blog and my Patreonas well as Cara's YouTube channel, public blog, and their Patreon. You can also find Cara on Instagram. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


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