
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tarot history (Day 4 of the 30 Day Tarot Challenge)

Tarot decks (30 Day Tarot Challenge)

My first tarot deck (Day 2 of the 30 Day Tarot Challenge)

My introduction to tarot (Day 1 of the 30 Day Tarot Challenge)

Day 31: Piece of advice for anyone starting out?

Day 30: Describe a time when a spell went better than expected.

Day 29: Describe a time when a spell failed

30 Days of Tarot Challenge

Day 28: Favorite spell you found/wrote/used.

Day 27: Last spell you did and why.

Day 26: First spell you did and why.

Day 25: Do you write your own spells?

Day 24: Is there a popular witchcraft practice or belief that really irks you?

Day 23: What are your thoughts towards media’s portray of witchcraft? (ie: Harry Potter.)

Day 22: Have there been types of witchcraft you’ve explored but in the end rejected?

Day 21: Have you used or considered using pop-culture in your practice?

Day 20: Are you religious or spiritual? How has that influenced your practice?

Flamekeeping tonight

Day 19: What has been the worst resource?

Day 18: What has been the most resourceful place to look for improving your witchcraft?

Day 16: Do you use an altar or a special location for your practice?

Day 15: Do you use any items or tools that aren’t normally found in households, and what are they?

Day 14: Do you use any items or tools that can be found around the household?

Day 13: Do you work with lunar cycles? Why or why not?

Holidays Part 3

Holidays Part 2

Holidays Part 1

Day 12: Do you work with seasons? Why or why not?

Day 11: Do you work with Sun/Moon/Rising signs? Why or why not?

Day 10: Have you ever faced discrimination for your views on witchcraft or how you practice?

Day 9: Do/Will you teach and practice witchcraft to your children? To others?

Day 8: Does your family and/or friends know you practice witchcraft?

Day 7: Do you have any ethics or moral codes that you follow? And to a lesser extent, your view on cursing/hexing?

Day 6: Do you practice divination? If so, what techniques? If not, why?