Day 26: First spell you did and why.

  This post is part of a 31 Days of Secular Witchcraft series in which I answer questions about my own personal views about magic and witchcraft.  I urge you to answer the same questions, found here, on your own blog.
This is too far back for my almost thirty year-old brain to remember.  The first one that comes to mind is a minor beauty glamor that a friend and I did before the homecoming dance our freshman year.  It involved throwing something in water, kind of like a wishing well.  As you might imagine, we did it to feel pretty.  It worked in that we thought we looked fabulous, and we had a great time.

I feel like we did some other spells before that, but they were always very small and with little fanfare.  Much of our relationship was spent reading books side by side and spending hours browsing metaphysical shops.  I do remember her reading runes for me, too.


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