Day 11: Do you work with Sun/Moon/Rising signs? Why or why not?

I don't do anything with ancient Greek or Chinese astrology.  I think that all calendars are pretty arbitrary.  I think that the Greek system (Leo, Scorpio, and so on) is full of miscalculations and full of interesting myths, not facts.  I don't think that Monday is the "moon's day" or that love spells should be done on Friday because it is "Freya's day." I don't worry if the moon is "void of course" because I think it is always traveling around the Earth, not passing through a sign.

That said, I'm a Taurus and a rat, so maybe I am just vain because I don't want to be livestock or vermin.  Maybe if I was a Scorpio and a dragon I would feel differently  (Not that there's anything wrong with cattle or rodents.  I think cows are adorable and rats make great pets.  They just aren't particularly glamorous signs.)

I have a dear non-witch, non-pagan friend who is very into astrology, and she's brought up some good points to me, but I remain in the "I don't believe in astrology" camp.  I feel the same way about numerology and palmistry.

(See all the 31 Days of Secular Witchcraft list here.)


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