Day 25: Do you write your own spells?

This post is part of a 31 Days of Secular Witchcraft series in which I answer questions about my own personal views about magic and witchcraft.  I urge you to answer the same questions, found here, on your own blog.

I can't not write my own spells.  I can't follow a recipe without modifying it, either.  I do get inspiration from other people's work and thought processes, but I can say that, outside of my early experimentation in middle and high school, I've never followed someone else's ritual format completely or said someone else's words verbatim in my personal practice.

I do practice with a local UU group each month, and then I'm not in charge of the ritual creation.  In these cases, I go with the flow.  These gatherings are celebrations, though, and not typically spells as such.


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