How and Why We Call Quarters: A Charm School Task Explained

Cara and I have dived headfirst into our summer project, taking on the first-degree tasks from Silver RavenWolf's enchanting book, "To Stir a Magick Cauldron." Our current adventure? Mastering the art of memorizing three distinct quarter calls. If you caught our latest YouTube episode, you'll know we touched on this topic briefly. But in this blog post, I'm ready to take you on a deep dive into the mesmerizing world of calling quarters. I will first share the specific quarter calls that I have chosen to memorize, and then I have included some information about calling quarters. For further study, I recommend the books The Elements of Ritual by Deborah Lipp and the quarter calling chapter of To Stir a Magick Cauldron

Charm School Quarter Calls

I have chosen to embark on the journey of memorizing three distinct quarter calls to enhance my ritual practice. Each quarter call holds its own unique energy and symbolism, enriching the overall experience and connection with the elemental forces. Let's delve into the details of the quarter calls I have selected and the significance they hold for me.

1. "Circle Casting Song" from Reclaiming's Second Chants 1994 album:

This enchanting song, although titled a circle casting, resonates deeply as a quarter call. I find it most fitting to call upon the quarters after casting the circle. The lyrics, sung or chanted in a call and response fashion, evoke the essence of each elemental direction. I have used this song many times in my personal and group workings, but I do not have it memorized; I always just play the song and then sing along.

2. Quarter call from What Witches Do

 Since Cara and I are reading What Witches Do as part of our Charm School curriculum, it made sense to memorize this one, especially since I am also memorizing the circle casting from that book as well. This concise and focused call captures the essence of invoking the quarters and seeking their presence during the ritual. You simply state, "Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, I do summon, stir, and call you up, to witness the rites and guard the Circle," and then swap out "East" for each direction in turn.

3. Quarter call from "A Rune for All Reasons" by Jack Veasey:

I have come across the remarkable poem by Jack Veasey, published in RavenWolf's "To Light a Sacred Flame." While my current focus is on memorizing the quarter call portion, the entire poem encompasses grounding, cleansing, quarter calls, circle casting, deity invocation, spell invocation, and the release of the circle, quarters, and deity. I want to have the whole poem memorized eventually because then I will always have a full ritual memorized and ready to go. I will be using this quarter call in my summer solstice UU ritual that I mentioned in the circle casting blog here. The quarter call simply states: "Spirits of East, South, West, North/ I summon, stir, and call ye forth./ Graces of thought, change, feelings, fact--/ These gifts now let your strength attract."

Updated note: I decided to memorize the entirety of Veasey's Rune and am "double dipping" and allowing it to count for one quarter call and one circle casting. I may use it as another part of the tasks as well. 6/15/2023

By memorizing these quarter calls, I seek to deepen my connection with the elemental energies, enhance the flow of energy within my rituals, and carry within me a sacred and ready-to-go ritual script. Each call holds its own significance and resonates with different aspects of my spiritual practice, contributing to a more profound and meaningful ritual experience.

Why do we call quarters?

In the realm of witchcraft and magical practice, the act of calling quarters holds profound significance and serves a crucial purpose in ritualistic ceremonies. When we call quarters, we establish a sacred connection with the elemental energies associated with the four cardinal directions: North, East, South, and West. Each direction represents a distinct element—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, respectively—and invokes its unique qualities and powers.

The significance of calling quarters lies in the belief that by inviting and honoring these elemental energies, we create a balanced and harmonious space for our rituals and magical workings. Just as a compass guides us on a physical journey, calling quarters acts as a spiritual compass, orienting us within the sacred circle and aligning us with the natural forces of the universe.

The purpose of calling quarters is multifaceted. First, it serves as a way to honor and pay homage to the elemental forces that underpin the very fabric of existence. By acknowledging and inviting these energies, we establish a reciprocal relationship, inviting their assistance, wisdom, and blessings into our ritual space.

Secondly, calling quarters allows us to tap into the specific qualities and attributes associated with each element. Earth embodies stability, grounding, and abundance; Air encompasses intellect, communication, and inspiration; Fire ignites passion, transformation, and willpower; Water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and fluidity. By invoking these elemental energies, we draw upon their inherent powers to amplify our intentions and enhance the effectiveness of our magical workings.

Moreover, calling quarters serves as a means of creating sacred space and energetic boundaries. As we move through the quarters, we effectively cast a protective circle, forming a container in which our rituals can unfold. This sacred circle acts as a gateway between the mundane and the spiritual realms, a space where we can commune with higher forces, access altered states of consciousness, and manifest our intentions with greater potency.

When we call quarters, what are we calling?

Many times, we are calling the energetic, archetypal qualities of the four elements. There are other beings you may call at those directions, such as archangels, demon kings, Watchtowers, and elementals; I encourage you to do further research into those alternatives. For the purposes of this blog post, I will be mostly discussing the element energies, not particular beings. When calling quarters in ritual, it is helpful to understand the essence and nature of each quarter, along with their corresponding elements. Let's explore the qualities, energies, and associations attributed to each quarter: North, East, South, and West.

1. North: The North quarter is often associated with the element of Earth. It represents stability, grounding, and the physical realm. Earth is the foundation upon which everything manifests. In the North, we find the energies of abundance, prosperity, and practicality. This quarter is connected to the material world, physical health, and the manifestation of goals and desires. It provides a sense of security and a solid base from which to work.

2. East: The East quarter is associated with the element of Air. It symbolizes intellect, communication, and the realm of the mind. Air is the element of ideas, inspiration, and mental clarity. When invoking the East, we tap into the energies of creativity, knowledge, and the power of words. This quarter fosters mental agility, communication skills, and the ability to adapt and embrace change.

3. South: The South quarter is connected to the element of Fire. It embodies passion, transformation, and the spark of creativity. Fire represents energy, vitality, and the force that drives us forward. In the South, we find the energies of courage, willpower, and personal power. This quarter ignites our passions, fuels our ambitions, and invites transformation and rebirth. It is the embodiment of passion and inspiration.

4. West: The West quarter is associated with the element of Water. It represents emotions, intuition, and the realm of the heart. Water flows, adapts, and nourishes. It is the element of deep feelings, psychic abilities, and spiritual connection. When invoking the West, we immerse ourselves in the energies of healing, intuition, and emotional balance. This quarter facilitates emotional expression, spiritual growth, and the exploration of our inner depths.

Each quarter brings unique qualities and energies to ritual work, and they interplay with one another to create a harmonious balance. By invoking the quarters, we align ourselves with these elemental forces, drawing upon their respective attributes and tapping into their inherent power.

It is important to note that while the associations mentioned here are common, they may vary in different magical traditions or individual practices. The elemental energies can be explored and experienced in diverse ways, depending on personal connections and cultural perspectives. Feel free to explore, adapt, and discover your own understanding of each quarter's essence and nature.

Understanding the essence and nature of each quarter empowers us to work with the elemental forces consciously. By connecting with and honoring these energies, we can enhance our rituals, spellwork, and spiritual practices, harnessing the transformative power of the quarters in alignment with our intentions and desires.

Have people always called quarters throughout history?

Throughout the rich tapestry of witchcraft and magical traditions, the practice of calling quarters has deep historical roots that span across cultures and epochs. By delving into the origins of quarter calls, we can gain a deeper understanding of their significance and evolution throughout history.

1. Ancient Roots:

Quarter calls can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where they were incorporated into rituals and ceremonies as a means of invoking and honoring elemental energies. In various cultures, such as the Egyptian, Greek, and Celtic, the cardinal directions held symbolic importance, representing different aspects of the natural world and divine forces. Exactly how these directions were engaged with is a bit of a mystery, but there are hints in surviving ancient texts. This is beyond the scope of this article, but I suggest further research into ancient texts and artifacts if this is something that interests you. The Greek Magical Papyri is a place to start.

2. Medieval Magic:

During the medieval period, quarter calls took on a unique form within ceremonial magic. The grimoires and magical texts of this era, such as the Key of Solomon and the Lesser Key of Solomon, documented elaborate rituals that involved invoking and commanding the assistance of elemental beings associated with the quarters. These beings, often referred to as demon kings or princes, were believed to possess great power and knowledge of the elemental realms.

3. Renaissance Influences:

The Renaissance witnessed a resurgence of interest in occult practices, including quarter calls. Figures such as Cornelius Agrippa and John Dee explored the intricate connections between the elements, planetary influences, and spiritual entities. Their works, such as Agrippa's "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" and Dee's "Enochian system," incorporated quarter calls as integral components of ceremonial magic, aiming to establish a profound connection with elemental forces.

4. Modern Witchcraft:

In modern witchcraft traditions, quarter calls have been adapted and incorporated into various systems, such as Wicca, Druidry, and ceremonial magic. Wicca, in particular, places great emphasis on invoking the elemental energies associated with the quarters during rituals and spellwork. Drawing inspiration from earlier traditions, modern witches utilize quarter calls as a means of attuning to the natural world, seeking guidance from elemental beings, and cultivating a sacred space for their practices.

5. Eclectic Approaches:

Beyond specific traditions, many contemporary practitioners adopt eclectic approaches to quarter calls, adapting them to suit their personal beliefs and practices. Some draw upon historical references and grimoires, incorporating the names and attributes of elemental beings. Others emphasize the archetypal qualities of the elements or focus on connecting with the natural forces without invoking specific entities. These eclectic approaches demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of quarter calls in contemporary magical practices.

By exploring the historical development of quarter calls, we gain insight into their diverse origins and how they have been adapted and interpreted throughout time. From ancient civilizations to medieval magic and the modern witchcraft revival, the practice of calling quarters has remained an integral aspect of magical traditions, embodying the timeless quest to connect with elemental forces and harness their transformative energies.

Should you move in a clockwise pattern when calling quarters?

When calling quarters in ritual, it is customary to move in a clockwise direction, also known as deosil or sunwise. Let's uncover the significance and rationale behind this practice and explore the energetic flow and symbolism associated with moving clockwise during quarter calls.

The clockwise direction corresponds to the apparent movement of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. It aligns us with the natural cycles of the cosmos and connects us to the celestial energies present during ritual work. This alignment enhances our connection with the divine and facilitates the flow of universal energies into our sacred space.

Moving clockwise creates a harmonious energetic flow within the ritual space. In many cultures and magical traditions, clockwise movement is believed to follow the natural flow of energy in the universe. It aligns with the apparent motion of the sun across the sky, symbolizing progression, growth, and forward movement. By moving in this direction, we tap into the energetic current and amplify the intention and power of our rituals.

Remember, while the clockwise circle is widely practiced, both in casting circles and calling quarters, it is important to respect individual traditions and personal preferences. Some magical paths may have different perspectives on directional movement, and it is crucial to find what resonates with you and aligns with your own spiritual journey.

Do you need to call all four quarters each time?

The answer, quite simply, is no. While the traditional approach involves invoking the energies of all four quarters, there are situations where practitioners may choose to selectively call specific quarters based on their intention or tradition. This allows for a more focused and tailored ritual experience.

For beginners and those exploring their magical path, selectively calling quarters can be a gentle and accessible approach. Instead of navigating the complexities of invoking and working with all four elements and directions, one can simply acknowledge the power and presence of each element and direction. This recognition serves as a nod to the interconnectedness of the elements while streamlining the ritual practice.

Furthermore, there are instances when specific intentions or traditions call for the selective calling of quarters. Let's consider a scenario where a practitioner is performing a prosperity spell. In this case, it may be most appropriate to solely call upon the energies of the North, as this direction is associated with abundance and material wealth. By focusing on the element of Earth and the qualities it embodies, such as stability and prosperity, the practitioner can channel their intention more effectively.

The practice of selectively calling quarters provides a degree of flexibility and customization within rituals. It allows practitioners to align their work with their specific goals, intentions, and personal beliefs. This approach acknowledges that not every ritual requires the involvement of all four elements and directions, as each ritual and magical working is unique and may require a tailored approach.

It is worth noting that the concept of selective quarter calls is explored in Silver RavenWolf's book, "To Stir a Magick Cauldron." RavenWolf highlights the potential benefits and practicality of selectively invoking quarters, offering guidance to practitioners seeking a more focused and intentional ritual practice. I also see this done in the seasonal festivals of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids on the Bardic grade ritual packets. In those rituals, all the four quarters are called, but then one of eight specific directional portals are opened, then one associated with that holiday. For example, for the Lughnasadh, all four quarters are called, but then a gateway is opened in the southwestern portal to allow the magic of the late summer to come into the ritual. (An eastern portal is opened for spring equinox, then southeast for Beltane, south for summer, southwest for Lughnasadh, west for fall equinox, northwest for Samhain, north for winter solstice, and finally northeast for Imbolc.)

Ultimately, the decision to selectively call quarters rests with the individual practitioner. It is a personal choice guided by intuition, intention, and the requirements of the specific ritual or spellwork at hand. Whether one chooses to call upon the energies of all four quarters or selectively invoke specific elements and directions, the underlying purpose remains the same: to create a sacred space, connect with elemental energies, and harness their power in alignment with one's magical goals.

In what order should we call quarters?

One of the ongoing debates in the realm of quarter calls revolves around the question of where to begin when invoking the elemental energies: the East or the North? This debate highlights the diversity of perspectives and practices within the magical community. Let's take a closer look at the different considerations and reasoning behind each approach.

Starting in the East has been a traditional practice in many magical traditions. The East is associated with the rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings, illumination, and the element of Air. By beginning in the East, practitioners tap into the energy of the sunrise, representing the birth of a new day and the potential for growth and transformation. The element of Air is often linked to communication, intellect, and inspiration, making it an appropriate choice for initiating the invocation of quarters.

On the other hand, there is an equally valid perspective that suggests starting in the North. The North is associated with stability, grounding, and the element of Earth. This direction represents the foundation upon which everything else is built. By commencing the quarter calls in the North, practitioners establish a strong and stable energetic base for their ritual work. Earth is connected to practicality, abundance, and manifestation, making it an appealing starting point when seeking to anchor and materialize intentions.

The choice between starting in the East or the North ultimately comes down to personal preference, tradition, and the specific purpose of the ritual. Some practitioners may align themselves with the symbolism and associations of the rising sun in the East, while others may resonate more with the grounding qualities of the North.

It's worth noting that there are magical systems that follow alternative directional patterns. For instance, some traditions may begin their quarter calls in the South, emphasizing the passionate and transformative energies of Fire. Others may have unique associations and correspondences tied to specific cardinal directions based on their cultural or esoteric backgrounds. There are some Reclaiming witches who play with calling the elements in a random order and not in conjunction with a direction in order to work on decolonizing their Craft. (This approach is fascinating, but beyond the scope of this quick blog.)

The decision of where to begin the quarter calls should be guided by your intuition, personal connection, and the overall intention of the ritual. There is no right or wrong choice as long as it aligns with your own spiritual path and resonates with your magical practice.

How do we release quarters at the end of ritual?

As we conclude our rituals, it is essential to properly release the quarters and bid farewell to the elemental energies that have been invoked. This act of closure allows us to express gratitude, restore balance, and ensure a respectful departure of these powerful forces. Let's explore some insights into how to properly release the quarters and discuss techniques and rituals for bidding farewell to the elemental energies.

Expressing Gratitude: Before releasing the quarters, it is customary to express gratitude for the assistance and presence of each elemental energy. Take a moment to reflect on the qualities and blessings that each quarter represents. Offer words of appreciation for the guidance, protection, and support they have provided during the ritual. This act of gratitude acknowledges the collaboration between the practitioner and the elemental forces.

Quarter Dismissals: Begin by addressing each quarter individually, Some witches start from the quarter where you began the invocation and release clockwise. It is very common in eclectic circles to proceed in a counterclockwise direction, also known as widdershins. This movement is the opposite of the clockwise circle and symbolizes the unwinding or closing of the energy within the ritual space. State your intention clearly and respectfully dismiss the energy of each quarter, thanking them for their participation.

Elemental Offerings: As a token of gratitude, you can offer small symbolic offerings to each quarter as you release them. If you conjured up a particular being, I do recommend an offering. If you called archetypal quarter energies, offerings are a nice touch but not necessary. These offerings can be items associated with the element, such as a pinch of salt for Earth, incense for Air, a candle flame for Fire, or a few drops of water for Water or the same offering at each quarter, such as a salute or a small libation. Presenting these offerings serves as a gesture of appreciation and signifies the completion of your work with each element.

Ritual of Closure: To conclude the releasing of the quarters, consider incorporating a ritual of closure. Many witches light a candle for each quarter during the call and then extinguish that candle at the end. (I do not do this in my personal practice, but it is often done in group rituals.) You could do a salute or banishing pentagram instead or in addition to extinguishing candles. As you perform whichever action you chose (if any), visualize the energy dissipating and returning to its natural state, releasing any remaining connections or bonds with the quarters.

By consciously and respectfully bidding farewell to the elemental energies, we honor their assistance and maintain the balance within our magical practices. Some witches use the phrase "go if you must, stay if you will" when releasing quarters. While this is a lovely phrase to use with some deities, I do not recommend using this phrase with elements or elemental beings, as you can attract manifestations and have imbalanced elemental energies in your ritual space. 

It is worth noting that while counterclockwise movement is commonly used for releasing the quarters, some traditions may have different approaches or preferences. Respect and honor the practices of your specific tradition or personal path while adapting these techniques to align with your spiritual beliefs.

By incorporating these practices into your rituals, you cultivate a sense of mindfulness, gratitude, and closure, ensuring a harmonious exchange with the elemental energies that have contributed to your magical workings.

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