Dear Magical Diary: Post Five

 Dear Magical Diary,

Note: As part of my "Charm School" project with Cara Mia of Cutewitch772 this summer, I have decided to keep a daily and public magical diary.  In what we're calling the Charm School Syllabus (a list of suggested tasks for someone seeking a first degree initiation published in Silver RavenWolf's book To Stir a Magick Cauldron), one task is "Provide a magickal diary to your instructor that encompasses one full year of your magickal experiences." Now, this task doesn't explicitly state that this diary needs daily entries, but I have decided to write daily as best I can.


In the morning, after writing in this diary and on my 40 by 40 blog, I embarked on a morning walk through the forest near my condo. The peaceful surroundings provided the perfect setting for a ritualistic practice. While I didn't recall my circle casting in that moment, I've devised a new plan to reinforce my connection with the sacred. Each weekday morning, during my witchy walks, I will dedicate time to memorizing and practicing my circle casting. It's a small ritual that I hope will bring me closer to the ancient traditions that resonate within my being.

In the realm of my mundane business, I had the pleasure of working with a wonderful client. Their family was a joy to meet, and their kids brought a sense of playfulness to the encounter. It's moments like these that remind me of the rewards that come with taking control of my own destiny. With each passing day, I'm amazed at how quickly my business has grown. From humble beginnings, it's blossomed into something I could have only dreamed of. 

Unfortunately, I left my earbuds at home, a classic ADHD moment. This oversight prevented me from listening to Badass Habits by Jen Sincero while working. Nevertheless, I'm determined to find ways to establish a meditation practice, incorporating the strategies I've learned from Atomic Habits and other sources. My mind is open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

I made a splash at the pool after work, letting the water wash away any worries and doubts. The sun beamed down on me, adding a touch of warmth to the experience. As I swam, I couldn't help but let my mind wander, contemplating the deep connection between water and my own spiritual journey.

As the day progressed, I found myself reflecting on the wisdom of a tarot card that I had drawn that morning—the Two of Swords. Its message about pricing resonated with me. I've been contemplating making some changes, considering raising my prices and narrowing down my service area. It's a brave step, but one that aligns with my goals and vision. I trust that the universe will guide me as I navigate this path of growth and expansion.


Today I woke up before the chirping of birds--much too early, but my cat Widdershins was happy to get an early surprise breakfast As I settled back onto the couch, fatigue enveloped me, lulling me into a brief slumber that birthed a peculiar dream that I am still unraveling and will keep private.

In the absence of clients today, my focus shifts towards my own well-being. A virtual appointment with my therapist awaits me at 10 o'clock, where we'll delve into the realm of self-acceptance. The therapeutic session will include the soothing energies of Reiki, a powerful modality that brings balance and healing to the mind, body, and spirit. I've experienced Reiki once before, but not with this therapist, so I am looking forward to that.

Later in the day, I'll immerse myself in preparing the labyrinth class I'm co-leading for my Reclaiming group. Together, we'll curate an experience of introspection and transformation, guiding participants through the winding paths of the labyrinth. As I dedicate my energy to crafting this offering, I embrace the opportunity to share ancient wisdom and foster personal growth within the community.

Today's tarot card remains unknown, as I've decided to embark on the forest walk I mentioned earlier. Engaging in this sacred routine, I will meditate, cast my circle, and seek guidance from the cards. Nature's embrace will provide the backdrop for my inner exploration, and I anticipate the whispers of wisdom that await me amidst the rustling leaves.

Tonight I have plans with my husband and a couple of friends to see the live action version of The Little Mermaid. Magic, self care, community, and fun. A good day is planned!

Yours under the stars,


Find Charm School content on this blog and my Patreon, as well as Cara's YouTube channel, public blog, and their Patreon. You can also find Cara on Instagram. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


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