I have always been a pretty voracious reader, but I am not great at keeping track of my reading. I have been on Goodreads for over a decade now, so there's a bit of history there, but I go through phases of keeping really good track and years when I barely record any of the books I've read. I recently signed up for accounts in NetGalley and BookSirens to get access to ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) of books. These are books that are scheduled to be published soon and are available free for reviewers. I have mostly been using these as a way to explore new cozy mysteries and paranormal romance so that I can see what my peers are writing, but I also look for cool metaphysical books coming out so that I can interview the authors; I think I have four total ARC author interviews coming up in the next two weeks.

This morning Book Sirens sent me an analysis of my Goodreads data, essentially showing me what a publisher can see when I request a book, and I am SO OBSESSED WITH MYSELF right now.

Imagine if I actually kept track of all the books that I read! I have read so many more books than that!
I don't know what they deem as "classics," but that seems likely. I think when I signed up for my account I went on rating spree to get recommendations.
Obviously. I like how LibraryThing has a non-binary option when they break down personal library stats, but yeah, I am a feminist and a "girl's girl," so this wasn't too surprising.

Neither does book length. I love that for me.

Yay, indies!
And I stand by those ratings! However, I did recognize that I am a harsh reviewer, so I stopped giving "star" ratings a few years ago. I just write reviews now because quantifying my enjoyment versus the quality of the book made me feel weird. If I rate something now, it's because I loved it AND I wanted to get the word out about it.
What are you reading these days? Let me add it to my 2,362 TBR list on Goodreads.


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